Monday, September 27, 2010

Your chance to train on us!

Hi Everybody,

Thanks for visiting! At All Sorts Fitness we value feedback so highly I am putting my money where my mouth is and giveing away three Training packs worth $450 each to the best three answers.

Just comment on our post or send your answer to for your chance to train with one of the best trainers in Brisbane without cost or obligation

All You have to do is describe your Perferfect Personal Trainer in 50 words or less for your chance to win one of three packs

Post now or email us.

Good Luck!

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Your Worst Gym Experience

Hundreds of thousands of people all over Australia at some point have been let down by health and fitness 'professionals'. Gyms can quite often be intimidating cold places (despite the owners best effort to 'Glam them up').

I do not want this to be the case for All Sorts Fitness.

If you could share your worst gym experience with us I would not only be greatful for this invaluable input, but I will also send you a special gift worth $87.

Post a comment below and I will rush your free gift out to you.

Be a healthy person

Joel Scutt
All Sorts Fitness

Monday, September 20, 2010

The Key To Making It Happen

If you were following on Friday you would have seen that I posed a very important question. The answer to said question is the key difference between those who have what they want and those who do not. Those who reach out and grab their dreams and acheive their goals.

The question again 'What is the one thing (just one word)that needs to take place before you can acheive anything?

The answer..


Decide to have, decide to plan for it and decide to take action. The diference between those who are rich and those who aren't isn't desire or talent or even will. Those who 'have' first and foremost decide it is going to happen.

The same goes for people who want to lose weight, build muscle, tone up or just get fitter. You have to decide enough is enough you don't like where you are and you are going to get where you want to be... NO MATTER WHAT.

This might sound simple to you and you are right it is. Most people float through life saying things like 'It would be nice to be rich' and 'I wish I had muscles' others just decide it is gonna happen and get on with it.

Wich are you?

Be a healthy person,

Joel Scutt
All Sorts Fitness

P.S. Congratulations to Penny, Daniel and Anjuna you have each received a Personal Training Pack worth $450 for answering the question.

Thursday, September 16, 2010

The Difference between the 'Have's' and the 'Have Not's'

In our private New Farm fitness studio we work with a lot of different people. People from all walks of life acheive life-changing health and fitness results with us, sadly some don't and today I want to talk about the one word that seperates the people who get the lean, fit and strong body they have always dreamed of and those who don't, those who take a vital step in self development and those who are left behind.

This one word (or process) is what happens in anyone who ever had anything worth fighting for, anything that makes those around them sit up and notice and take envy
and indeed anyone who is satisfied's mind.

It preceeds dreaming, planning and action. Without it you will not get anywhere and it is the reason most people fail, they miss this important step.

Can you guess what it is?

Do you know what it is?

I have three personal training packs (each worth $450)all you have to do is make up your mind, post the correct answer and leave your email so we can contact you and get you on the fast track to the strongest, leanest most attractive body you have ever had!

First three win.