Sunday, January 25, 2009

Australia Day

Now I would be a bit of a hypocrite if I said 'This Australia Day how about some soda water instead of beer? and how about soda water and instead of suasage rolls how about sakata crackers?'

Australia Day is probably my favorite Public Holiday, I love getting amongst the celebrations and letting my 'hair down' A good bust out every now and then is fine, the key is to 'get back on the horse the very next day!'

When I lost 20kg I had three blow outs, two dominos and a family BBQ. The key to my success was that the very next meal I was back to healthy eating and next day back to regular exercise.

You have to live life or you will sink into a depressive state and you will turn to your old friends...
Food and sitting (or lying) on the couch watching re-runs of shows you didn't really care about the first time around!

So enjoy Australia Day (I know I plan to) but come 27th January get on with reaching your health and fitness goals!

Above all have fun!

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