Sunday, February 10, 2013

Cinema Snacks

It's probably most people's favourite place to go, it's the movies. I love it! Bet you didn't know I like action movies, I'm also a closet science fiction fan (I can't believe I just shared that). The problem with cinemas is the horrendously bad and expensive food.

By the time you've put away one of those buckets of popcorn and enough soft drink to fill the Wivenhoe dam, you've probably exceeded the calorie intake needed to drop kilos. Most of us don't even stop there we then inhale a sack of malteasers or gummi bears. All of this in a two hour window, and the big problem is you're so distracted about what's happening on the big screen, you don't even notice just how much you're putting away.

So what to do? Well I've found most cinemas are in shopping centres and inside these shopping centres have fruit shops and supermarkets. These shops have a wide selection of fruit, sometimes you can even get a good deal with really ripe stuff that's going to go to waste soon. If the cinemas you go to are not in shops your going to have to be a little proactive and bring something from home or stop by a free-standing fruit shop on your way.

I replaced a giant sized popcorn and fizzy drink with a punnet of strawaberries and a bottle of water a little while ago and felt great. 49 calories versus 1490 calories is a big difference, dont you think?

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

What's Your Go To Meal?

I'm a big fan of fresh fruit, vegetables, lean meats, whole grains and healthy fats. I also like to find different ways to make those things taste good, therefore adding variety to my diet (I don't been diet in the starve yourself sense) and keeping my metabolism humming along. This morning I got asked 'What is your go to meal?' and it would have to be PROATMEAL!

No matter what, you can't skip breakfast.. you just can't. In fact if your changing your lifestyle to get a better body, look better and have more energy it is the very very first step. Don't ask about calorie counting, paleo, carb cycling, protein powder or anything else until your eating breakfast e-v-e-r-y day. So it makes sense that the one meal (or recipe) would be proatmeal.

Here's the recipe

3/4 cup of quick oats
1/2 cup of mixed berries (frozen is okay)
1 scoop protein powder
5-7g of crushed walnuts
1/4 cup rice milk, almond milk or low fat milk

Method: Boil a jug of water. Place oats and boiling water in a microwave safe bowl. Cook on high for 90 secs. Mix in walnuts, protein powder, berries and milk. Enjoy.

I have this often, it's quick and it keeps me full till morning tea.

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Massive Fitness Gains For Doing Nothing

Yes it's true with this revolutionary new system you too can make incredible progress in regard to building muscle and increasing your energy levels by doing nothing at all.. It's called sleep and it's a vital part of your program.

Ever heard the expression 'sleep like a baby' there's a reason babies sleep so much and in a nutshell it's because they are making all kinds of gains. Their muscles are growing every minute.. they are growing. One of the key ingredients for this is sleep and it does not need to be taught it's one of the few instincts the human race utilise on a regular basis. Sadly some of us just are not getting enough.

When you exercise you are pretty much breaking your body, now the wonderfully magical thing about the human body is that it usually grows back stronger, faster and better in case something like, oh I don't know.. a really tough workout maybe, happens again. We've been told again as adults we need 7-9 hours a night sleep and it's not untrue. So if your going to reach your goals health and fitness wise your going to need to get to bed at a reasonable hour allowing for your 7-9 hours sleep. If your having trouble getting to sleep come along to Bootcamp.. I guarantee you sleep well that night.

Go After It!

Sunday, February 3, 2013

Not Everything's A Party

If you want to have a seemingly endless supply of energy, look and feel your very best and be strong and fit. You're gonna have to get your head around one immutable law. Not Everything Is Supposed To Be A Party.

You might be one of the few lucky people on the planet that actually likes exercise and loves the taste of all vegetables, fruit, whole grains, lean meats and healthy fats. If you want to be fit, strong and have an attractive body. Your going to have to eat somethings you don't like the taste of and do some exercise that is hard. In fact as a general rule the worst the taste and the harder the better. If you are looking for everything you put into your mouth to taste sensational, your gonna end up a few kilos heavier than you should be.

What you can do is try and reverse your thinking to actually look forward to the challenge that is getting fit and healthy and remember to keep your reason why at the front of your mind all the time.