Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Massive Fitness Gains For Doing Nothing

Yes it's true with this revolutionary new system you too can make incredible progress in regard to building muscle and increasing your energy levels by doing nothing at all.. It's called sleep and it's a vital part of your program.

Ever heard the expression 'sleep like a baby' there's a reason babies sleep so much and in a nutshell it's because they are making all kinds of gains. Their muscles are growing every minute.. they are growing. One of the key ingredients for this is sleep and it does not need to be taught it's one of the few instincts the human race utilise on a regular basis. Sadly some of us just are not getting enough.

When you exercise you are pretty much breaking your body, now the wonderfully magical thing about the human body is that it usually grows back stronger, faster and better in case something like, oh I don't know.. a really tough workout maybe, happens again. We've been told again as adults we need 7-9 hours a night sleep and it's not untrue. So if your going to reach your goals health and fitness wise your going to need to get to bed at a reasonable hour allowing for your 7-9 hours sleep. If your having trouble getting to sleep come along to Bootcamp.. I guarantee you sleep well that night.

Go After It!


  1. And here I thought you were about to announce a new member of your family. :)
