Monday, November 8, 2010

Are you still standing?

Having a baby is awesome! Yes, it is a lot of work but the rewards are amazing.

My daughter Callie is just learning to stand at the moment and becomes more mobile everyday (Hide the cleaning chemicals!).

I was watching her yesterday thinking and pondering - about life and whatnot and I came to realise it amazes me how kids can dogedly pursue a goal without fearing falure. It is also pretty cool how children fall over and get right back up sometimes it hurts and they cry but then (almost imediately)they get back up and do it again.

A lot of people lose this characteristic as they age and that's a real shame.

But champions have that child-like belief that if they just keeping pushing through pain, failure and defeat they will eventually get there they will stand tall and walk strong.

So be like Callie and never never ever give up. You will get there!

In a nutshell..

Monday, September 27, 2010

Your chance to train on us!

Hi Everybody,

Thanks for visiting! At All Sorts Fitness we value feedback so highly I am putting my money where my mouth is and giveing away three Training packs worth $450 each to the best three answers.

Just comment on our post or send your answer to for your chance to train with one of the best trainers in Brisbane without cost or obligation

All You have to do is describe your Perferfect Personal Trainer in 50 words or less for your chance to win one of three packs

Post now or email us.

Good Luck!

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Your Worst Gym Experience

Hundreds of thousands of people all over Australia at some point have been let down by health and fitness 'professionals'. Gyms can quite often be intimidating cold places (despite the owners best effort to 'Glam them up').

I do not want this to be the case for All Sorts Fitness.

If you could share your worst gym experience with us I would not only be greatful for this invaluable input, but I will also send you a special gift worth $87.

Post a comment below and I will rush your free gift out to you.

Be a healthy person

Joel Scutt
All Sorts Fitness

Monday, September 20, 2010

The Key To Making It Happen

If you were following on Friday you would have seen that I posed a very important question. The answer to said question is the key difference between those who have what they want and those who do not. Those who reach out and grab their dreams and acheive their goals.

The question again 'What is the one thing (just one word)that needs to take place before you can acheive anything?

The answer..


Decide to have, decide to plan for it and decide to take action. The diference between those who are rich and those who aren't isn't desire or talent or even will. Those who 'have' first and foremost decide it is going to happen.

The same goes for people who want to lose weight, build muscle, tone up or just get fitter. You have to decide enough is enough you don't like where you are and you are going to get where you want to be... NO MATTER WHAT.

This might sound simple to you and you are right it is. Most people float through life saying things like 'It would be nice to be rich' and 'I wish I had muscles' others just decide it is gonna happen and get on with it.

Wich are you?

Be a healthy person,

Joel Scutt
All Sorts Fitness

P.S. Congratulations to Penny, Daniel and Anjuna you have each received a Personal Training Pack worth $450 for answering the question.

Thursday, September 16, 2010

The Difference between the 'Have's' and the 'Have Not's'

In our private New Farm fitness studio we work with a lot of different people. People from all walks of life acheive life-changing health and fitness results with us, sadly some don't and today I want to talk about the one word that seperates the people who get the lean, fit and strong body they have always dreamed of and those who don't, those who take a vital step in self development and those who are left behind.

This one word (or process) is what happens in anyone who ever had anything worth fighting for, anything that makes those around them sit up and notice and take envy
and indeed anyone who is satisfied's mind.

It preceeds dreaming, planning and action. Without it you will not get anywhere and it is the reason most people fail, they miss this important step.

Can you guess what it is?

Do you know what it is?

I have three personal training packs (each worth $450)all you have to do is make up your mind, post the correct answer and leave your email so we can contact you and get you on the fast track to the strongest, leanest most attractive body you have ever had!

First three win.

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Are you trying to or training to?

Are you trying to or training to?

I quite often hear the phrase 'I am trying to lose weight' or 'I would like to lose weight'. You may of heard this all before but, the words we use everyday are VERY important. Anyone who ever had anything first told themselves they were going to get it.

I have helped hundreds lose weight and get in the best shape of their lives the difference between those who do and those who don't, the big secret, is the language they use. So I ask you again are you trying to or training to? It's a cliche but Yoda (little green dude on Star Wars - you may of heard of it) said 'There is no try only do' THAT"S MASSIVE!

The whole point is if your 'Trying' there is room for failure. If your 'Training' your gonna get there, sure you may fall down along the way but that's what training or practice is all about. Bottom line, set a goal and do what you gotta do to get there.


to get your free ($87 Value) Consultation with someone who can 'TRAIN' you to win!

Be a Healthy Person

Joel Scutt

The Boss

All Sorts Fitness

Monday, April 12, 2010

Thi is only for the strong!

Hi All,

I am very excited to anounce my newest work out...

The Boss' Session

This session is an outdoor session that will take you to the very limit and beyond.
There will be no excuses, no easy workouts and NO MERCY!

I will be taking this session personally so you can be sure it will be the very best workout you will do all week. The outdoors will give me a whole lot of space and limitless oportunities to induce my special brand of pain.

Participants will be in an elite group of fitness enthusiasts who truly work to their full potential (something a lot of people have never nor will experienced). To particpate you must be able to do the following...

1. Run 1km +
2. Hold a Bridge for at least 1 minute
3. Complete ten full push-ups

This workout is NOT for begginers.

Payment method is a weekly Direct debit of 11.10, with no minimum. First 30 people to sign on will enjoy this very inexpensive rate for as long as the session runs.

Step up!

Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Who are you blaming?

I hear a whole lot of excuses in my line of work some seem reasonable but most are absolute rubbish, some blame work, others blame their partners or their kids for their bodyshape, everybody has their sad story. The key is to recognising first and foremost that it is just that a giant story! Every day things are going to get in the way and you have to work around them or conquer them.. No excuses!

I have a special video for you to watch today. I hope it can help you find inspiration to lose the head trash and just get on with it.

Be a Healthy Person

Friday, March 26, 2010

Are you willing to fight?

Hi Everyone,

I am sucker when it comes to speeches in movies. I love to be inspired and it is my one wish to be able to share inspiration with others.

My own fitness journey and indeed my journey as a small business owner has been a fight for every inch. Anything worth having in life is gonna take persistance and a willingness to fight. If your losing weight you know that every 200g is gonna take sweat and it's gonna take discipline. I'm not a huge Cher fan but she was once quoted as saying 'if fitness came in a bottle everyone would have it'. That is something I know better than most!

If your looking for a little inspiration on your journey take a look at this video... you'll be glad you did.

Can't see the vid? Go to

Be a healthy person!

Joel Scutt

All Sorts Fitness