Sunday, April 19, 2009

The fastest way to your best body

I've got BIG NEWS!

Here's the fastest way to your best body:

I'm not kidding. Take a look right now, you'll be glad you did.

Here's the scoop...
I'm running a contest. It's called the "Your Best Body12-Week Challenge." And it's free for everyone to participate.

There's just something about contests/challenges like"Your Biggest Loser" and others that really get folks motivated to do more and be more, faster than they would otherwise.
This is a great way to challenge yourself, with our help, and it won't cost you a dime (just a small, one-time $10 donation to St Vinnies, a great local Charity here in Brisbane

I'm doing this to get more local folks the help they need to get the body they want...and to raise much needed funds for St Vinnies.

So it's a winner all the way around.

Take a look here for all the details, and to get my"Your Best Body Challenge 12-Week Transformation Guide" free. The Guide contains all the info about the Challenge...AND...a complete 12-week exercise and nutrition program for you to follow with or without our help.

Just go here:

To your health,

P.S. Even if you're not interested, I'd greatlyappreciate it if you'd email to all your friends, family an co-workers in the area. They'll appreciate you giving them the "head's up!"

Sunday, March 15, 2009

Have you stalled?

It happens to the best of us!

You'll be cruising along losing 2-3 kg a week and then it happens...
Same as last week, you did everything right, you worked out every day and you followed your nutrition plan to the letter. So WWHHHYY!

It could be any number of reasons and I could yap on all day but the most important thing is...


You have come to far and everyone 'stalls' from time to time, the numbers will pick up again! If you give in and stop exercising and eating rubbish you will go backwards at a phenominal rate.


Keep on it!

Saturday, February 14, 2009

Get Back on the Horse!

We all have bad days as far as our healtha nd fitness goals are concerned.

If you have a health and fitness goal you have to fight to keep it alive! You have to take every set back as a learning curve not an excuse to stop!

If you eat something you shouldn't or go out and write yourself off and finish the night with a dodgey Kebab from a shop that you wouldn''t normally go to, There is always tommorrow.

If you hurt your knee and can't run there is always boxing.

If you are doing your 'Plan' and it's not working it can always be tweaked!

We have two clients in wheelchairs in addition to their other 'set backs' we have a huge set of stairs at the studio! They come any way and they are BOTH acheiving their respective health and fitness goals!

What's your excuse?

What will you be doing tommorow?

Take care of yourself!

Monday, February 2, 2009

Last nights episode.. My take on it.

I don't know if you got a chance to see the 'Biggest Loser' last night, but long story short they had their first weigh in. I will be the first to admit that a few things about the popular TV show don't quite 'sit right' with me (eliminations, temptations, hospitalisation etc). But I LOVE the accountability of it!

Nothing beats admiting where you are, knowing where you want to be and then making a strong resolve to get there no matter what in front of other people. It doesn't have to be in front of the whole nation in can just be with a friend, loved one or coach.

I really admire what the contestants have done so far on the show (they haven't even trained with their trainers yet!). It goes to show anyone can do it.

I am offering 30 people the chance to do the same! Let us help you...
  • Set a Goal
  • Measure where you are right now
  • Show you how to get there
  • Walk with you e-v-e-r-y step of the way
  • Celebrate your success

If you haven't heard about the Brisbane $2,000 Fat Loss Challenge yet check it out at

We have a few spots left so best hurry and register!

If you have ever said to yourself 'I could do that if I had that much support and guidance', here's your chance to prove it!

Good journey

Joel Scutt

Sunday, January 25, 2009

Australia Day

Now I would be a bit of a hypocrite if I said 'This Australia Day how about some soda water instead of beer? and how about soda water and instead of suasage rolls how about sakata crackers?'

Australia Day is probably my favorite Public Holiday, I love getting amongst the celebrations and letting my 'hair down' A good bust out every now and then is fine, the key is to 'get back on the horse the very next day!'

When I lost 20kg I had three blow outs, two dominos and a family BBQ. The key to my success was that the very next meal I was back to healthy eating and next day back to regular exercise.

You have to live life or you will sink into a depressive state and you will turn to your old friends...
Food and sitting (or lying) on the couch watching re-runs of shows you didn't really care about the first time around!

So enjoy Australia Day (I know I plan to) but come 27th January get on with reaching your health and fitness goals!

Above all have fun!

Saturday, January 24, 2009

Don't let the 'Biggest Losers' have all the fun

I don't know about you but I think it's terribly unfair that only 12 or so people get a chance to get the support, the training, the knowledge and nutrition support that the popular TV show 'The Biggest Loser' provides. - Don't even get me started about the whole sending-somone-home-every-week deal!

the other problem is that these people are taken away from their lives for the duration and not everyone can do this. The other thing about that is that a lot soon 'relapse' upom their return home as all the discipline fades away.

I think everyone should have the chance to train with awsome trainers, get nutrition support and have access to exercise equipment every day! If you have ever tried to look at what it would cost to have a personal trainer everyday, ifyou had you would find it is no where near possible for most people.

That's why I have done something about it! I would like to announce...

The Brisbane $2,000 Fat Loss Challenge!

For a fraction of what it would usually cost we have put a competition together where.
  • People will get support everyday!
  • You will get sensible Nutrition coaching
  • You WILL get fantastic results... Guaranteed by %100 money back!
  • You will win $2,000 if you are named as the best body transformation!
  • We are also going to donate %10 of the proceeds to the Smith Family's 'Learning for Life' program wich gives young dis-advantaged kids a good shot at making something of themselves.

To register your interest and hold a spot (for 24 hours) while you make up your mind go to

You can also commit to your free consultation and get signed up straight away.

There are a few spots left so hurry!

Welcome to the All Sorts Fitness Blog

Welcome to the All Sorts Fitness Blog!

This blog will serve as an update for events going on in the studio, tips for helath and fitness and motivational topics.