Thursday, January 17, 2013

Avoid At All Cost!

I've seen it a lot and heard about it more, It's the Seven Day Diet Cycle and it is vicious! Why because it will literally have you chasing your tail for the rest of your life. I know because I have been stuck in it myself and it really stings when you look back on all the wasted time. Here's a look at the cycle.

Weekend Before
Your starting your diet on Monday because it's the start of the week and it seems like the logical time to start well anything. Wrong! I'll talk more on the later. So yo have ''one last hoorah'', you eat and drink to excess because come Monday it's all going to change I wont be drinking or eating anything 'Bad' until I reach my goal. You put on 1-2 kg in 48 hours.

Awesome breakfast with oats and fruit and unsweetened tea. Your feeling good and you hit your workout like a champion athlete. Your killing it today and riding a wave of smugness you look at 'Jan From Accounts Payable' with pity as she guzzles white coffee and inhales choc chip cookies. Your on your way, perfect days eating great workout and you just can't help but get back on the scales to see how well you've done because you 'just feel lighter' you lost a kilo (half of the weekend's gain)

You wake up and put your feet on the floor only to feel the muscle soreness kick in. Your body is sore because it's not used to this all and it's letting you know in a big way. It's okay though because your on your way and still very positive about the whole process. Besides, soreness is a badge of honour only bestowed upon the most disciplined and healthy individuals. You shuffle past Jan with the same smug thoughts as she takes the edge of with a glazed doughnut.


Why has the soreness yet to subside?! You eat your breakfast while thinking about pancakes and craving a caramel latte. You turn up to your workout but really struggle with motivation throughout and are full of regret on the way home for not making every rep count. Your only solace is that you are still a 'better person'' than Jan, who seems to be using a freddo frog as a spoon for a slice of chocolate mud cake.

You miss your workout due to an early meeting at work, which also makes you miss preparing breakfast at home. In your haste to get to work you grab drive thru brekky. Throughout the whole meeting you feel bad for your lack of attendance and poor breakfast choice. You see Jan eating her double beef burger and chips lunch and you 'pinch a chip' to make yourself feel better. An opportunity arises to get in a workout on the way home but you have a headache from the questionable food you ate earlier. After all tomorrow is a new day..right?

Your back on track, great breakfast, renewed vigour at step class and the smugness is back with a vengeance you feel like you have this whole exercise thing licked and it's time to start spreading the word. You have a 'little chat' with Jan. She ends up in tears and you feeling like the horrible person that, let's face it.. you are, take her out after work for beer and wedges. An afternoon treat turns into an early evening small binge, before you pull yourself away and realise your 'better' than this.

Starts off with good intentions but you can't perform at the gym and you are craving everything that made Jan a horrible person on Monday and Tuesday to eat. You make it lunch before declaring to yourself and anyone else you know won't lecture you, that 'I've been good all week and I deserve a night out!' It turns into a massive binge drinking session with a kebab at the end of it and you finally get to bed at 1am.

You wake up hungover and craving deep fried potato and bacon. In an effort to make yourself feel better you indulge only to find yourself feeling worse. You have an afternoon nap and weigh yourself only to find you are half a kilo heavier than you were on Monday morning. You vow to start again tomorrow and have one last hoorah at dinner time.

Repeat that for the rest of your life.. or change the way you do things. If you would like a free consultation to sit down with me and discuss how I can help you break this vicious cycle Click Here

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