It's no well-kept-secret that flat bellies are made in the kitchen. If you really want a lean, fit, strong, attractive and energetic body your going to have to learn (if you don't already know) how to shop for, store and prepare good nutritious meals that will bring you closer to your goals. Today I'm going to share with you my top 3 tips for going grocery shopping, a few guidelines you can follow to ensure you bring home healthy food.
Before I get into the tips, I want you to share with you the biggest (yet simplest) change you will need to make... GO SHOPPING. Sounds simple right... wrong. Too many people get so caught up in career, social life and other hobbies that neglect to actually schedule in time to go to the shops and stock up on food like all 'grown ups' should. They literally play it on a meal-by-meal basis and this is a recipe for disaster. So if you take nothing else away from this post please please please get it into your head that a regular time (weekly, fortnightly) to go grocery shopping is not just a good idea but a MUST in your life.
Tip 1 - Make A List
A little bit of planning goes a long long way. If you know what you want to prepare for yourself in advance you'll not only save time but you will save money. Shopping with a thought out list also eliminates impulse buying. Supermarkets are set up to sell you stuff (its what they do) and just like any other shop it's not always stuff you need. When you have a list to work off you go from one item to the next and your focus remains on the next item not on the 2 for $4 cakes in aisle 4. You buy what you need not what will hinder your health efforts. My clients that shop with a list often report on how since they made this change they have save more than enough to pay for their personal training sessions with me.
Tip 2 - You Don't Have To Go Down Every Aisle
As a general rule, all the items you need to put together a healthy week's (or fortnight's) eating is along the perimeter of the store. Fruits, Deli, Milk, Meats Frozen Veg etc. Although there are 'good' foods in the aisles there are even more not-so-good ones. This brings me back to the 'Make A List' tip, When you know what you want you go straight for it and temptation doesn't even play into it.
Tip 3 - Never Go Shopping Hungry
As I mentioned before supermarkets are exceptionally good at selling you stuff you do not need. These companies spend millions of dollars in research, testing and trialling new and inventive ways to make you not only fill your trolley with rubbish but be happy about your decisions. Eye level products, two-for-one deals and displays are all set up to make you cough up (money). When you are already hungry you quite simply do not stand a chance against these tactics. So fill up before you stock up.
I really hope you had some light bulb moments whilst reading this post. If you want to know more you can Click Here and request your free consultation with me ($87 Value) where we will sit down and I will show you not only how to get the best food but how to make it work for you so your wallet is thicker and your waistline is thinner. There is also a cool recipe book there, so get on that!
Got A Goal?
Go After It!
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