Are you a well balanced individual? It's something we should all strive for, because it's those people that are truly happy. DISCLAIMER; I struggle with this one myself!
When I say balance I mean are all aspects of your life working in harmony or are some areas taking your attention away from others? An example would be somebody who works 12 hours a day, comes home and has no time or energy left for family. Another one might be a person who spends every spare moment in the gym but has no time for relationships. Let's not forget the gamer who spends hours on their game console and eats rubbish and drinks energy drinks all day and is overweight and socially awkward because of it.
I bring this up because in my 10 years of training all types of people I have noticed that the people who stick with their program and are ultimately better off for it are the ones that get results and keep them. They are not the ones that do morning and evening sessions 6-7 times a week. The ones that are 'happy' have a breakdown of their time similar to this...
8 hours sleep
45-60 mins workout
8 hours work
4 hours family/loved ones
3 - 3.25 hours travel/eating/ me time
Working out is very important but when it overshadows other areas in your life it may just be time to back off a little. This is why working out with a trainer may just be the answer your looking for, I know it was for me. Yes that's right, I have a trainer of my own. As a business owner, a husband and a father of two. It's easier (and therefore more likely to happen) when I have an appointment and all I have to do is show up. It also allows you to get more exercise in a lot shorter amount of time. You should try it! To discuss how I can help you bring balance to your life in a Free Consultation (usually $87) CLICK HERE.
Go After It!
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